The Great Fire Wall of China

STOP PRESS! We are here in Beijing, but of course the great fire wall of China has blocked blogspot- indeed Google was only unblocked in China again last week. It really is wonderful that in this city you can buy all the bourgeoise, decadent western high end rubbish like Louis Vuitton and Prada, gorge on KFC, Coke and Pizza Hut until your arteries explode, and fry your brains using the latest Samsung and iPhone telecommunications, but you can’t get on to poor old blogs. With all the contradictions, it is less like 1984 and more like some Philip K. Dick dystopia.

In the meantime, I will email out the blog (minus photos) to a friendly outsider in a less paranoid country to upload. I will endeavour to add photos at a later date. At least in the old days for infringing free speech you’d be marched into the countryside to memorise Maoist slogans, now you just get cross in hotel rooms! That’s modern wishy-washy communism for you!


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