Kit: Maisie's Bag

Maisie here! This is my kit. I have: Littlest Pet Shops, Family FLUXX, Knights, Catan dice game, Yahtzee, a bag to put all the games in, my dairy and two pens, a small compass, my pen-knife, my ipod, a torch (not a stick with fire though!!) and Inkspell (a VERY long book.)

I will write EVERY day and tell you what I've written. I have also LOTS and LOTS of songs on my ipod for the train. And a big book.


Marcelle said...

Well done Maisie! Packed already!

You have given me some ideas for what I should take!

A long book and an i-pod . Will I get the peace and quiet to enjoy them, THAT is the question!

Anonymous said...

You are going to have a great time. You will be too busy looking at all the scenery to bother with the books!
Looking forward to seeing all the pictures.
Grandad Geoff XXXX

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